Tuesday, June 4, 2019

2018 Tri-county Young Writers Contest, now available on Kindle!

Now that the 2019 National Young Writers Poetry contest is over and all of the books have been mailed out, we've had enough time to breathe and upload the Kindle version of the 2018 Tri-county Young Writers contest book. It is available for purchase HERE and at only $3 it's a bargain! However, if you purchased the paperback version, the Kindle version is available to you for less than $1.00! 
All proceeds from any young writers book help fund ALL of the young writers contests which are held through cooperation with school districts and administrators across the country. We strive to keep arts active in school and establish publication as a form of encouragement to participate. So, please, if you haven't purchased a copy of the 2018 paperback, please do. If you haven't read the 2019 National contest winners, please buy your copy HERE. We are so grateful for all of the support these kids have received from our followers and clients.
Keep watching...much more to come from talented kids all over the country and around the world! Plus, our clients are still cranking out some incredible work, as usual.

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