The majority of our clients publish stories that leave you in awe, however there is one client in particular that continues to make us so proud to simply be associated with her name.
Ora Wills is that client.
Aptly named the 'patron saint of the arts' in Pensacola, she has left an indelible mark on hundreds, if not thousands of young writers during her decades teaching English at Tate High School and her volunteer projects throughout the city, including Arts Quest.
Her latest book is a poetic journey from a young girls perspective, HER perspective in the South during the Jim Crow years. Heartbreaking while being both bitter and bittersweet, she chronicles in the most beautifully tender way, a child's innocence shattered by the murder of a family member. This is a MUST HAVE for every household struggling to find a way to teach young adults about tolerance. Order your copy HERE.